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WFP welcomes US$1m Republic of Korea food aid donation

WFP welcomes US$1m Republic of Korea food aid donation


The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) has received US$1m from the Republic of Korea to provide humanitarian activities for the hunger crisis in Zimbabwe amid worsening food insecurity across the country.

The assistance comes at a time when 7.6m people in Zimbabwe are food insecure following El Nino induced drought.

Speaking at the Republic of Korea contribution signing ceremony deputy country director Billy Mwiinga said the timely Republic of Korea support will go a long way in helping the starving local population.

“This support comes at a time when Zimbabwe is facing one of its most challenging lean seasons in recent history. As many of you know, Zimbabwe is dealing with the far-reaching effects of El Nino, which have worsened food insecurity across the country. An estimated 5.9m people in rural areas and an additional 1.7m in urban areas are expected to be food insecure during the upcoming lean season. For these communities, access to sufficient and nutritious food is becoming increasingly difficult.

In the face of this enormous challenge, the Republic of Korea has demonstrated its commitment to helping Zimbabwe during difficult times. This US$1m contribution will enable WFP to reach 22 000 of the most vulnerable individuals for three months, ensuring they have the food and nutritional support needed to survive the lean season,” Mwiinga said.

He said this is not just about providing food assistance but it’s about guaranteeing dignity and hope during a time of immense hardship.

“Your support will go a long way toward reducing the plight of those hit hardest by food insecurity and helping families put food on their tables in the months ahead. In addition to addressing the immediate needs of those facing hunger, this partnership aligns with our broader mission of building resilience,” he said.

The support provided through the lean season assistance programme will be delivered in line with the government of Zimbabwe’s food deficit mitigation strategy.

Government and WFP are working together to strengthen social protection systems, ensuring that vulnerable households are protected not only today but also in the future when further climate shocks may rise.

“Beyond immediate relief, this contribution will also support our long-term strategies aimed at building resilience within our communities. It aligns with Zimbabwe’s broader developmental goals, including our vision of achieving an upper-middle-income status by 2030. We believe that by empowering our communities to become more self-sufficient, we can reduce their reliance on external aid and create a more sustainable future for all Zimbabweans,” Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare Deputy Minister Mercy Dinha said.

Government developed the robust 2024 EL Nino induced drought disaster: Domestic and international appeal for assistance to facilitate a coordinated response to the climate-induced drought and allow for resource mobilization and response planning in the short and medium term.

According to Dinha, in the appeal, the Government focuses on search and rescue, mitigation and resilience building in the following critical areas: Agriculture, Food and nutrition security, Protection, Health, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), Education, Environment and Natural Resources, Energy, Macro, Small and Medium Enterprises.

“The Government has been working tirelessly to ensure that food reaches all in time. The support from the WFP during the response period cannot go unnoticed and it is greatly appreciated,” she said.

Government of Zimbabwe remains committed to working hand in hand with the World Food Programme to ensure that these resources are deployed effectively and reach those most in need.

“Our collaboration with the WFP has been marked by significant achievements in the past, and with this renewed support from Korea, we are confident that we can continue to make meaningful progress in our fight against food insecurity,” Dinha said.

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