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Land barons defy govt

Land barons defy govt

Zanu-PF affiliated land barons are wreaking havoc in Zvimba, Mashonaland West province where they are illegally parcelling out land belonging to a private developer, Pfugari Holdings using their political muscle.

The action is in sharp defiance to a government and Zanu-PF position on land barons.

Land barons have been occupying school grounds and wetlands while causing severe damage to the environment.

A Chinese firm has also been caught in the fight with residents saying their operations, sanctioned by Zanu-PF elements, were a threat to the


Reporters spoke to vendors operating in the area, who

revealed that they have been paying daily, weekly or monthly fees to Zanu-PF members responsible for allocating the land.

 “I don’t care who owns the property but I pay monthly to a Zanu-PF youth [name withheld] who is responsible for allocating the land,” one of the vendors said this week.

These vendors operate in small booths selling a range of items.

Pfugari Holdings has attempted to fence the property after noticing an increase in invasions by named Zanu-PF officials but in the process, a fight ensued and two workers were injured and hospitalised.

“I confirm that our workers were harassed, and some are in hospital because we were protecting our commercial stands. We reported the issue to the police,” Pfugari Holdings Managing Director Edward Nyanyiwa said.

Days later, a ZimHub reporter was subjected to harassment and threats from the youths.

The youths revealed that they had been sent by “some big fish in the party” to occupy Pfugari Holdings property in Whitecliff claiming they had applied to the Ministry of Transport to use the land as buffer zones.

However, Pfugari Holdings development manager, Percy Chitima, stated that the company did not seek any permission and even took the issue to the Harare Magistrates’ Court on August 14, where the Zanu-PF representatives did not show up.

In a letter dated October 13, 2022, the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Transport, Engineer Theodius Chinyanga, wrote to the Zanu-PF party, referencing Tendai Chiwetu, stating that any damage to the property of the Ministry of Transport and Pfugari Holdings would be subject to repair.

The letter also stated that the ministry did not give consent or approval to the Zanu-PF youths in Mashonaland West’s Simon Mazorodze District for their operations.

The youths went on to sell part of the land owned by Pfugari Holdings to a private Chinese company called China Quarry Minerals leading to various health hazards in the community, with residents complaining about the pollution.

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